006.Chromium 手势插件
测试了很多手势插件,都是后于右键菜单出现,且不好用。 smooth-gestures好用,但涉嫌收集隐私,被下了架。
@史荣久 / 2012-06-24 / CC-BY-SA-3.0
Chromium 18.0.1025.151 (Developer Build 130497 Linux) Ubuntu 12.04 测试了很多手势插件,都是后于右键菜单出现,且不好用.
插件是 smooth-gestures ,可惜这厮因为收集隐私且不悔改,被下了架. google了一通找到以下链接,好用,风险自己顶.
Google has caught malware code in the extension and so has deleted it from its Web Store. The malware would report user web tracking to a website. The site has gone down so no worries.
I found a hacked version here that would supposedly not contain the malware. You also need this plugin to make the right click menu work. Use at your own risk.
http://nisza.org/chromium/smooth-gestures-0.15.4.crx http://nisza.org/chromium/smooth-gestures-plugin-0.8.crx
如果在chrome上安装,因为google策略问题,不可直接安装。 需要下载到本地,手工安装。
- Download the extension file from the website and save it to your computer.
- Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
- Select Tools > Extensions.
- Locate the extension file on your computer and drag the file onto the Extensions page.
- Review the list of permissions in the dialog that appears. If you would like to proceed, click Install.