warn.unknown=unknown error. warn.nullval=null value. warn.deny=permission deny. warn.imgsn.wrong=image code is wrong. warn.pass.change=have to reset your passwd. warn.pass.differ=the passwd is not matched. warn.upload.only=can upload these files only. warn.upload.deny=can not upload these files. warn.sysfile.deny=action denied on system file. info.success=successfully done. info.list.empty=can not find any data info.item.empty=the item can not be empty. info.pass.simple=the password is simple.(the length > 10 and contains a-z,A-Z,0-9 and other char) info.select.empty=please select a data file. info.commit.newone=please save the paper first. info.delete.confirm=are you sure you want to delete it?