FCRON 试用手记 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 作者:臭豆腐[trydofor.com] - 日期:2005-03-13 - 授权:署名-非商业-保持一致 1.0 协议 - 声明:拷贝、分发、呈现和表演本作品,请保留以上全部信息。 0. 文档目录 ^^^^^^^^^^ [[<=$INDEX]] 1. 内容摘要 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Fcron是一款调度程序,目的是取替Vixie Cron。 这里主要是对Fcron的使用进行提炼,并记录使用过程中的一些事情。 2. 软件安装 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 官方网站: http://fcron.free.fr 目前( Mar 12 2005 )稳定版本有两个: * 稳定版: 2.0.2 * 开发版: 2.9.6 其中,2.9.6中,有个fcrondyn命令,可以方便和守护进程对话。 这两个版之外的,还有几个安全漏洞,慎用:) ============== tty : root@trydofor ============== tar -xzf fcron- cd fcon* ./configure make make install #之后都选 yes,顺利成功。 ================================================ 3. 调度配置 ^^^^^^^^^^^ fcron的配置文件格式很灵活,基本格式为: options frequency command 可以分别以@,&,%,!作为行的开始,来表明调度书写的方式。 ========================== txt : sample ============================== 1. Entries based on elapsed system up time ---------------------------------------------------------------------- @options frequency command ---------------------------------------------------------------------- months (4 weeks) : m weeks (7 days) : w days (24 hours) : d hours (60 minutes) : h seconds : s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get our mails every 30 minutes @ 30 getmails -all # make some security tests every 48 hours of system up time, # force a mail to be sent to root even if there is no output @mailto(root),forcemail 2d /etc/security/msec/cron-sh/security.sh ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Entries based on time and date ---------------------------------------------------------------------- &options min hrs day-of-month month day-of-week command ---------------------------------------------------------------------- minute : 0-59 hour : 0-23 day of month : 1-31 month : 1-12 (or names, see below) day of week : 0-7 (0 and 7 are both Sunday, or names) a[-b[/c][~d][~e][...]][,f[-g[/h][~i][~j][...]]][,...] -: to /: every ~: not ,: and *: all ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # run mycommand at 12:05, 12:35, 13:05, 13:35, # 14:05 *and* 14:35 everyday &05,35 12-14 * * * mycommand -u me -o file # get mails every hour past 20, 21, 22, and 24 minutes. 20-24~23 * * * * getmail # save our work of the day every night at 03:45 with a low priority # unless we are sunday, mail the output to jim and run that job # at startup if computer was down at 03:45 &nice(10),mailto(jim),bootrun 45 03 * * *~0 "save --our work" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Entries run periodically ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %options min hrs day-of-month month day-of-week command ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords : must be followed by the fields hourly, midhourly : minutes. daily, middaily, nightly, weekly, midweekly : minutes and hours. monthly, midmonthly : minutes, hours and days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. option declaration !reset,serial(true),dayor,bootrun(0),mailto(root),lavg(.5,2,1.5) ====================================================================== 5. 几点总结 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 对调度的启用,可以使用service fcron start 和 fcron -f 两种基本方法。 当启动fcron后,就可以使用fcrondyn与进程会话(但,会话内容很简单)。 fcron的功能真的很强大,可以指定output的方式,还有很多参数能够设置 值得注意的一点是,进行如下测试的时候,出现了问题: ======================= java : TestThread.java================== import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; public class TestThread extends Thread { public void run(){ BufferedReader mReader = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader(System.in) ); while(true){ try { System.out.print("input :"); System.out.println("output:"+mReader.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { TestThread t = new TestThread(); t.start(); } } =============================================================== ==================== tty : root@trydofor ====================== fcrontab -l >11:58:24 listing root's fcrontab ># m h d m w cmd >&stdout(true) 00 * * * * '/usr/local/j2sdk/bin/java -jar /root/test.jar' fcron -f >input :output:null >... ... ... //loop forever # 死循环了 =============================================================== 对于要求控制台输入的程序,要小心:) 目前没有调查出原因也没有解决办法得到控制台输入。 多么希望有一款调度程序可以获得守护进程的输入和输出阿 (不过,从守护进程的定义上看,是很难实现了)